Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Silence to Sound and Silence Again.

I love just getting out of the shower, feeling all clean and refreshed.  I always have a fresh mind after a relaxing cleanse. The last day I was able to shower was Sunday and now it is Tuesday evening.  So it was much needed.  But I do have an excuse.  Sunday I showered before my shift, dried and actually straightened my hair, which is a very rare and special occurrence for me.  Nonetheless, I went to work looking rather nice.  Then went home, slept, got up, went to work on Monday.  Before this shift, however, I had a slight breakdown concerning finances and what not, so I contacted a friend who lives much closer to work than I (I live 30 minutes from work, she: 10 minutes) and asked if I could stay the night Monday because I had an early morning shift today.  She agreed, so I packed a bag and went to work.  It was a short shift of 4 hours and when done, friend came around to pick up a few things and to lead me back to her place, after a quick stop at a gas station for dinner.  Once at her place, we sat down and pulled out the laptops.  I, of course, brought mine.  We did our own thing silently for a little while, before the internet decided it was going to shut off.  Y'know it is amazing what happens when computers aren't involved: we actually started a conversation!  It was pretty funny when we realized that this actually occurred.  Though shortly after we decided it was bed time.

Next morning I begrudgingly woke up to an early alarm and got dressed, then surely and quietly escaped into the waking dawn.  It was a peaceful short drive.  The way back home not so much.  But hey, I had a good day at work.

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