Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Thesaurus is a friend, not just a dinosaur.

Wow, open a nice new blogging account for myself and I don't know what to do!  Well like all new things, got to learn what it is and how to use it first.  I suppose I'll follow along those lines milling around this site enough.  Either that or I'll put up caution tape some where to remind myself: "Mass confusion ahead!".  Regardless, I really should start writing again.  I did, at one time, consider myself quite the literary artist.  I've written countless poems (though really not countless, I'm sure if I took the time there would be a definite number), and less than countless stories.  Mostly, however, beginnings of stories.  You'd be hard pressed to find a story that I've fini...

But after stresses in my life, the pen has fallen from my hand.  I could blame college, it's relentless advocacy for proper grammar kills even the most creative minds. (And then I just spent 5 minutes on that sentence trying to decide if it was grammatically correct and making sure I used the appropriate vocabulary... )  Or I could blame my own decimated muse for cutting my right brain off.  As you should know, the right side of your brain is primarily for art and literature, while the left is logic and mathematics (this is where I sound like a nerd).  I did have a muse once.  I participated in online literary role playing.  Please don't ask, I'd rather not explain here, but this is where I am a geek.

Anyway, as you can see, I'm not any plain can of sardines.  erm yuck.  I am rather... something else, to say the least.

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